CS110 homework 2: Programming in C & GNU toolchains

download the starter code


No prerequisite regarding file system is required.
We do not include a reference count for memory safety guarantee

In this homework, you will build a C/C++ program that simulates a file explorer(e.g. finder on MacOS, explorer.exe on Windows, dolphin in KDE plasma and nautilus in Gnome DE). We have provided a template for you and some of the functions have already been implemented. You should implement all functions in file.c and dir.c and part of the explorer.c. There is also bonus functions in explore.c. We will give you some handy testers. You can use them to write your own test case. The example are given in main.c.

Make sure that the compilation of the source code generates no errors/warnings and conformity to C89 standard. We have provided a Makefile, you can run make to compile your code. You can run make memcheck to check whether there is any memory leak (you will need to install valgrind first). You can also run make clean to delete all compiled files.

Function description



Notation: We use the extended regular expression A{X,Y} to represent the set {AX, AY}.

Your tasks

For task 1, 2 and 3, you are required to complete the C source code files.
For task 4 and 5, you are required to modify the makefile.

Task 1: Implementing Extensible File

In our explore simulator, the size of the file is exactly equal to the memory reserved for the file. When more bytes need to be stored in the file, we will reallocate more memory for the new data.

In this task, you are required to implement all the empty functions in file.c. file_new(int, char *) and file_release(struct file *file) are provided by us and you are not suggested to change them. Please read the description in the header file carefully and follow the instruction. Deal with the memory allocation carefully.

Task 2: Implementing Directory Tree

The directory in the simulator is tree-structured. Each dir node will have several subordinates(children), each of them is either a dir node or a file node. A file node does not contain any subordinate. We identify the nodes by their names, so all the nodes with the same parent should have different names.

In this task, you are required to implement all the empty functions in dir.c. dir_new(int, char *) and dir_release(struct file *file) are provided by us and you are not suggested to change them. Please read the description in the header file carefully and follow the instruction. Deal with the memory allocation carefully.

Task 3: Completing the file explorer

The explorer contains a directory tree, one pointer points to the root of the tree and one pointer records the current working directory(cwd). The cwd is initially set to the root. The explore also maintain a list of supported file types and the functions to open them (e.g. pdf reader for .pdf in real world, music player for .wav). Before opening a file, its type and corresponding function should be submitted to the expolorer. Our explorer only supports limited number of types.

In this task, you are required to implement

in explore.c.

The following functions are provided by us and you are not suggested to change them.

Please read the description in the header file carefully and follow the instruction. Deal with the memory allocation carefully.

Bonus task

We would like our explore to support search and have a flexible configuration on the result. Implementing explorer_search_recursive(struct explorer*, const char *, find_func). Note that the bonus only worth 1 point. It will be fine if you do not feel like to finish it.

Task 4: creating and linking static library

To allow code reuse, we shall provide the explorer as a static library.

Your task is to add a static library (archive of objects) target and a statically linked executable target in the Makefile. More precisely:

You may use the following commands to verify your result

Task 5: creating and linking dynamic library

Providing a dynamic library of the explorer is a favorable choice as it enables code reuse with less memory and disk footprint.

Your task is to add a dynamic library (shared objects) target and a dynamically linked executable target in the Makefile. More precisely:

You may use the following commands to verify your result

You may take a look at this blog post for a concise instruction.

Code quality


Submit a tarball named academic_integrity_and_data_integrity.tar containing Makefile, node.c, dir.c, file.c and explorer.c.
You may use the following command to create such archive file.

# make sure that these files are indeed situated in the current working directory 
tar cvf academic_integrity_and_data_integrity.tar \
  Makefile \
  node.c \
  dir.c \
  file.c \

Contacts and feedbacks

Still have any question? Post it on piazza!

Contact TA: Cheng Peng if you have any problem regarding this homework assignment.

Having a strong opinion regarding the homework? You may

  1. Post a note on piazza.
  2. Send an email/IM message to any TA or the professors.
  3. Still having a strong opinion? Add a comment on CourseBench.