Lab 13

Computer Architecture I @ ShanghaiTech University



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Multi-threading programming using OpenMP

OpenMP stands for Open specification for Multi-Processing. It is a framework that offers a C interface. It is not a built-in part of the language – most OpenMP features are directives to the compiler.

Benefits of multithreaded programming using OpenMP include:

In this lab, we will practice on basic usage of OpenMP.

Exercise 1 - OpenMP Hello World

Consider the implementation of Hello World (hello.c):

int main ()
  #pragma omp parallel
    int thread_ID = omp_get_thread_num ();
    printf ("hello world %d\n", thread_ID);
  return 0;

This program will fork off the default number of threads and each thread will print out "hello world" in addition to which thread number it is. You can change the number of OpenMP threads by setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS or by using the omp_set_num_threads function in your program. The #pragma tells the compiler that the rest of the line is a directive, and in this case it is omp parallel. omp declares that it is for OpenMP and parallel says the following code block (what is contained in { }) can be executed in parallel. Give it a try:

$ make hello && ./hello

If you run ./hello a couple of times, you should see that the numbers are not always in numerical order and will most likely vary across runs. Think about the reason and explain to your TA.

It is also vital to note that the variable thread_ID is local to a specific thread and not shared across all threads. In general with OpenMP, variables declared inside the parallel block will be private to each thread, but variables declared outside will be global and accessible by all the threads.

Exercise 2 - Matrix Multiplication

Matrix multiplication is a common operation in scientific computing and machine learning. In this exercise, we will optimize a matrix multiplication implementation using OpenMP. The matrix multiplication is implemented in matmul.c.

Your task is to optimize matmul.c (speedup may plateau as the number of threads continues to increase). To aid you in this process, two useful OpenMP functions are:

Divide up the work for each thread through two different methods (write different code for each of these methods):

  1. First task, slicing: have each thread handle adjacent rows: i.e. Thread 0 will compute the rows at indices i such that i % omp_get_num_threads() is 0, Thread 1 will compute the rows where i % omp_get_num_threads() is 1, etc.
  2. Second task, chunking: if there are N threads, break the matrices into N contiguous chunks along the first dimension (the rows), and have each thread compute the product of the chunk of matrix A and the entire matrix B.


For this exercise, we are asking you to manually split the work amongst threads since this is a common pattern used in software optimization. The designers of OpenMP actually made the #pragma omp for directive to automatically split up independent work. Here is the function rewritten using it. You may NOT use this directive in your solution to this exercise.

void matmul (double *a, double *b, double *c)
  #pragma omp parallel for 
  for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_SIZE; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < MATRIX_SIZE; j++) {
      for (int k = 0; k < MATRIX_SIZE; k++) {
        c[i * MATRIX_SIZE + j] += a[i * MATRIX_SIZE + k] * b[k * MATRIX_SIZE + j];

Test the performance of your code with:

$ make matmul && ./matmul


Exercise 3 - Dot Product

The next task is to compute the dot product of two vectors. At first glance, implementing this might seem not too different from v_add, but the challenge is how to sum up all the products into the same variable (reduction). A sloppy handling of reduction may lead to data races: all the threads are trying to read and write to the same address simultaneously. One solution is to use a critical section. The code in a critical section can only be executed by a single thread at any given time. Thus, having a critical section naturally prevents multiple threads from reading and writing to the same data, a problem that would otherwise lead to data races. One way to avoid data races is to use the critical primitive provided by OpenMP. An implementation, dotp_naive in dotp.c, protects the sum with a critical section.

Try out the code (make dotp &&./dotp). Notice how the performance gets much worse as the number of threads goes up. By putting all the work of reduction in a critical section, we have flattened the parallelism and made it so only one thread can do useful work at a time (not exactly the idea behind thread-level parallelism). This contention is problematic; each thread is constantly fighting for the critical section and only one is making any progress at any given time. As the number of threads goes up, so does the contention, and the performance pays the price. Can we reduce the number of times that each thread needs to use a critical section?

In this exercise, you have 2 tasks:

  1. Fix the performance problem without using OpenMP's built-in Reduction keyword.
  2. Fix the performance problem using OpenMP's built-in Reduction keyword. (Note that your code should no longer contain #pragma omp critical)
