One Paper Accepted by ASP-DAC 2022
Our paper titled "Boosting the Search Performance of B+-tree with Sentinels for Non-volatile Memory" is accepted by the 27th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2022). In the paper, we employ sentinels to accelerate searches for B+-trees with sorted nodes stored in non-volatile memory. A sentinel is the minimum (resp. maximum) key selected from each cache line of B+-tree node and stands for the cache line's lower (resp. lower) bound. Checking sentinels before searching B+-tree node indicates the target cache line, thereby reducing unnecessary accesses and cache misses.
Mr Chongnan Ye, a 2nd-year master student of Toast Lab, is the first author of the paper. ASP-DAC 2022 will take place virtually from 17 to 20 January, 2022.