Toast Labmates Received Several Honors
Recently Toast Labmates have received several honors for their achievements in 2022. Mr Hu Yanpeng is awarded the honor of Excellent Student (三好学生). Mr Jiang Qisheng is awarded the honors of Outstanding Student (优秀学生) and Outstanding Teaching Assistant (优秀助教) for CS211 in Fall 2022. Yanpeng and Qisheng have papers accepted by ASP-DAC 2023 and DATE 2023, respectively.
Chundong is awarded the honors of Excellent Mentor (优秀书院导师) of Kedao College, ShanghaiTech (上海科技大学科道书院) and Outstanding Faculty Member (优秀教师) of SIST, ShanghaiTech.
At the end of the Year of the Tiger (壬寅虎年), we wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous Chinese New Year of the Rabbit (癸卯兔年).